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The Palmer Opera House

 A Quality Performance & Event Venue- Located in the National Historic District of Cuba, NY

The Palmer Opera House is sustained in part by the rental of its facilities for public and private activities.
If you’re looking for a unique and beautiful location to hold your next special event, consider the Palmer Opera House!
The renovated second floor of the historic building is available on various weekdays and weekends. It is perfect for a variety of activities including: parties, dinners or luncheons, business meetings, showers, receptions, reunions, or exhibits.
Maximum 200 for auditorium seating; 175 for weddings or receptions.) The Palmer has beautiful hardwood floors throughout the second floor, providing a beautiful setting for any event.

Visit the Cuba Cheese Museum also located at 12 West Main Street Cuba, New York 14727

The Palmer Block (including the Palmer Opera House - Keller Opera House) is an 1867 structure located in the center of the Village of Cuba, New York's Main Street Historic District.  The Palmer Opera House is a three-story, three bay wide brick Italianate commercial building that possesses a high level of architectural integrity located within the Palmer Block.  The Palmer Block may be referred to as the Keller Opera House.  The slight confusion stems from the fact that the property was originally built by a Mr. Palmer but later lost to Mr. Keller in a poker game.  The Palmer Opera House formerly housed three commercial store bays on the street level and a community opera house on the second floor. For over 70 years, there was a wide variety of cultural and recreational experiences to be enjoyed within its walls including operas, musical productions, minstrel shows, theater, and vaudeville shows.  The Cuba High School held graduation exercises, basketball games and junior and senior class plays were held there until the late 1930's.  The Palmer Block was severely damaged beginning in the winter of 2001.  Interior decline and damage continued as a result of many hundreds of days exposure to the elements, harsh weather, and neglect. 

The original “Palmer House” was destroyed by fire on December 20, 1871. “The Fireman worked like heroes, and by their almost superhuman effort, assisted by a large portion of our citizens, succeeded in saving the rest of the block”, reported The Cuba True Patriot, Dec. 22, 1871.  On Jan. 5, 1872, Joseph Palmer, the owner of the Palmer House stated that he “planned to create one of the largest and best Opera Houses and Halls in Western New York for the efforts made by the firemen and citizens”. “Mr. Palmer fulfilled the promise made to the Department and the largest party ever held in the town and the hall was filled as the magnitude of the town would admit”, The Cuba True Patriot, Feb. 6, 1874.  The work being done today by the Cuba Friends of Architecture is the second restoration of the Palmer (Keller) House. Once again, the citizens of Cuba will make it one of the largest and best Opera Houses and Halls in Western New York. In accordance with the goals, objectives and actions of SHPO, the CFA has created partnerships, expanded historic and architectural resources, and promoted heritage tourism in the region in its effort to rehabilitate the Palmer (Keller) Opera House.

The Palmer Opera House presents special architectural interest in the storefront design that includes cast-iron pilasters with three recessed entries.  The interior commercial space is divided into three units each retaining wooden ceilings and floors.  The Palmer Opera House was located on the second floor and the ceiling extended to the roof level with no third floor. 

The pilasters, which separate each display window, have capitals featuring a classical acanthus leaf motif.  The cornice above the storefronts has an astragal motif as its base.  Above it capital is a modillion supporting blocks with lions' heads. 

The cast-iron was manufactured by the "McEwen Brothers" of Wellsville, NY as indicated on the base of the pilasters. 

The CFA saved the building from destruction by restoring the collapsed section roof in December 2005.  The Palmer House was open to the elements for close to four years due to the collapsed roof.  Much damage has been done to the interior.  The building needs to be completely renovated.    Sections of the main floor have collapsed.  Walls, ceilings and upper flooring needs to be restored, and new electric wiring and heating system have to be installed.

There was an exciting find when damaged wallboard was removed from the opera house on the second floor.  Written on the original plaster wall was "Rial and Draper's Uncle Tom's Cabin".  The date was September 24-25, 1879, 12 years after the construction of the Palmer Block. 

The main floor of the Palmer Opera House currently also houses the Cuba Cheese Museum.  Other tenants of the Palmer Block are The Perfect Blend Coffee Shop & Eatery, and By the Light of the Moon, a unique gift & decor shop..  The preservation and new use of this 139-year-old building a three-fold benefit-- economic development, cultural enrichment, and community service.

The Palmer Block and its Opera House has helped define Cuba, New York for almost 140 years and has offered our rural community exposure to the arts, a community stage, improved quality of life, economic health, and educational benefits for our citizens and through this rehabilitation will serve for many years to come.   

Visit the Palmer Opera House's website at


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